Law reform submissions made by LFF
Submission on the proposed works by the Tasmanian Hydro Electric Commission on the Edgar Dam in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage area.
March 13, 2024Submission made in response to the proposed changes to the recovery plan decision under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, which would remove the need for recovery plans for 185 threatened species and ecological communities
November 2, 2021Submission to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee inquiry into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Regional Forest Agreements) Bill 2020
March 19, 2021Submission to the Senate inquiry into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Streamlining Environmental Approvals) Bill 2020
November 18, 2020In the wake of the devastating bushfires that ravaged parts of Victoria in the 2019/20 summer, and the interim injunction granted by the Supreme Court on 29 January 2020 preventing logging in 3 coupes, Lawyers for Forests Inc called for an immediate ban on all native forest logging in Victoria.
August 17, 2020Submission to the Environment and Planning Committee of the Legislative Council - Inquiry into Ecosystem Decline in Victoria
July 30, 2020Submission to the statutory review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 by Professor Graeme Samuel
April 14, 2020Submission to the DELWP's review of the Victorian Regional Forestry Agreements for the 5-yearly period from 1 July 2009 - 30 June 2014
January 29, 2018Submission to the Independent inquiry into the Environment Protection Authority calling for EPA to be empowered to undertake Victorian public forest regulation and compliance
November 4, 2015Submission to the Victorian Government review of the Code of Practice for Timber Production in Victoria
April 4, 2014Lawyers for Forests' members signed onto the letter opposing the transfer of Commonwealth government responsiblities under the EPBC Act to the States.
September 3, 2013Submission on EPBC Act Referral: Barmah 'Ecological Thinnings' Trial. The proposed logging trial has been poorly designed and directly contradicts the management objectives of this significant protected area.
January 23, 2013Submission to the Senate on the inquiry into the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining Federal Approval Powers) Bill
January 18, 2013Submission to the Senate on the inquiry into the effectiveness of threatened species and ecological communities' protection in Australia. Evidence given by LFF to the Enquiry
December 14, 2012Submission to the Victorian Department of Primary Industries on the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2004 review
October 4, 2012Submission to the Victorian Department of Sustainability & Environment regarding the review of the Code of Forest Practice for Timber Production
February 1, 2012Submission to the review of the Climate Change Act 2011
November 19, 2011We are extremely concerned at the prospect of a Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) Bill being laid before Parliament. We write to express our concerns, and ask that we be consulted on the form of any proposed RFA legislation
August 3, 2011Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Climate Policy on the carbon pollution reduction scheme draft legislation
April 9, 2009Submission to the Commonwealth Government independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)
January 30, 2009Submission to the Senate Environment, Communications and the Arts Committee Enquiry into the operation of the Environment Protection & Biordiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)
September 23, 2008Submission to the Department of Climate Change on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper
September 10, 2008Submission to the Department of Sustainability & Environment in response to the Land and Biodiversity at a Time of Climate Change - Green Paper
July 24, 2008Public comment under the Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) on referral with Reference Number 2007/3897, submitting that the further construction of "fire breaks" in the Central Highlands by the Victorian Department of Sustainability & Environment is a controlled action because it will have a significant impact on threatened species. With Attachments 1 2 & 3
December 21, 2007Submission to the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment regarding a study being conducted into the phasing out of logging in State Forests from which water is supplied to Melbourne
October 29, 2007Submission to the Victorian Environment Assessment Council regarding the River Red Gum Forests Investigation Draft Proposal Paper, supporting the creation of new and larger National Parks and Reserves to assist the rehabilitation and protection of River Red Gum forests along the Murray River
October 8, 2007Complaint made by Lawyer for Forests and The Central Highlands Alliance to the Compliance and Enforcement Section of the federal Department of the Environment and Water Resources regarding breaches of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) arising from the construction of a lineal logging coupe (called a "fire break") in National Park and threatened species habitat,
February 15, 2007Emergency Submission to the Senate Committee on the Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendments Bill (No. 1) 2006 (Cth)
October 27, 2006Application for emergency listing of Mount Baw Baw and escarpments under Section 324F of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). Together with the Central Highlands Alliance.
September 12, 2006Submissions to the Victorian Environment Assessment Council on the investigation into the logging of Goolengook, East Gippsland
August 3, 2006If logging is to continue, LFF believes that, among other things, the logging must be better managed and far greater consideration given to the conservation of Victoria's remaining native forests.
June 5, 2006By submitting this document, the environment organisations do not sanction the current approach taken to native forest management in Victoria. The purported proposed code can be accessed here
March 27, 2006A copy of the proposed regulations is available here
January 14, 2006LFF welcomes the Government's announcement that it will not renew grazing licenses in the Alpine National Park.
July 6, 2005LFF believes cattle grazing licenses should not be renewed and cattle grazing should be removed from the park.
June 18, 2004Submission to The Honourable John Thwaites MP, Minister for Water & Environment, Department of Sustainability & Environment, regarding the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Bill
May 21, 2004Submission to the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target Review Panel
May 2, 2003Submission to the Advisory Committee appointed to advise the Minister for Planning
August 26, 2002The Forests Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2002, (“the Bill”) attempts to make the current situation even more unsustainable. In addition, LFF believes that the Bill is fundamentally flawed in the way it is drafted.
June 16, 2002Submission to The Implementation Panel appointed to advise the Government on the Environment Conservation Council Final Report – Box Ironbark Forests and Woodlands Investigation
December 17, 2001Submission to the State Government of Victoria and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment on the Timber License Renewal Project
December 16, 2001Submission to the Environmental Impact Assessment Process
December 10, 2001LFF opposes the Peaceful Assemblies Bill for the reasons outlined in this submission.
July 30, 2001